"Beauty lies within" we've always heard people say that but do we believe them?
I, for one, completely agree with the statement. Beauty does lie within, just not for the reasons you think.
Yes, it's vital to be a nice person deep down, be there for people, help them out by going out of our way, being kind, etc.
But that's not all.
You need to feel beautiful.
If you don't think you're beautiful, what others say doesn't matter. No amount of compliments that you receive will ever be enough because you've already decided that you are ugly.
Let me tell you; nobody is ugly.
You need to get out of the bubble of hatred you've created for yourself. You're a unique individual, and there must be some reason you've been given all this, right?
You need to be there for yourself. You need to appreciate yourself. You need to indulge in self-love. If you don't love yourself, how do you expect others to?
Nobody is born perfect, and that's something we can never achieve.
Being perfect is an illusion.
The truth is, everyone has flaws. I know I do.
But we shouldn't let those flaws define us.
Whether you have tummy rolls or thick thighs, whether you are so lean that your backbone is visible, whether you're black or white, whether you're a 6 feet giant or a 4 feet dwarf, we shouldn't see them as flaws.
We shouldn't let the titles given to us by others define us.
Who is society to tell us what's the ideal body type?
Self-love comes with acceptance. Accept who you are and own it because you're beautiful with just the way you are.
Don't ever think of changing yourself because of what others think. The people who want the best for you will love you for who you are and so should you!
But before the love you, love yourself from within.
Signing off,
Yours flawed,