We live in the era of social media.
We might be dying, but we still need to keep up with what's going on in the world, more importantly, what's going on in the lives of the people that we follow.
One such day, while scrolling through your feed, you come across a photo which makes your stomach drop. Sounds familiar? Not yet? Wait, I'll elaborate.
It's a picture of all your close friends hanging out. To your surprise you're not there in the image and why would you be when you were never invited in the first place?
Does that sound familiar now?
Hate to admit, but I've been there. I've felt left out so many times, whether that be a small, insignificant joke or a whole event.
Honestly, it sucks to be the one left out. I've always wanted to belong somewhere whether I was in pre-nursery or kindergarten or whether I was in high school.
Having social connections is very important to your health, according to WHO.
Don't get me wrong. I have a lot of friends, some I can trust and very few I can trust with my life, but at times I fail to be a part of the groups.
Frankly, I don't know the reason why. I like to think I'm an extrovert and it's effortless for me to talk to people or get to know them. Yet, sometimes I feel as if none of these connections I've made is worthy.
I remember that a few years back I didn't have any friends in my maths tuition and because I was unable to belong to a particular group of friends, I refused to go there, no matter how excellent the teacher was at his job.
Yes, It's escapism.
But haven't all of us been there? We've all felt left out once or more in our lives, and since then, we have tried to avoid situations like that.
The worst part? We can't even explain to others why we feel left out without coming off as an attention seeker.
Over the years I've made peace with the fact that I can't be the centre of attention all the time, as much as I'd like to be.
But I'm yet to come across a solution.
I don't know if saying this will count or not but if you ever need a friend or someone to rant to, or just someone to talk to, I'm here.
Let's be there for each other.
P.s If you can find a solution to this, do let me know :)
Signing off,
Yours flawed,
Gargi Thakur